Author: Marcela Villanueva

Nest. Maternar en Residencia / Resistencia is an artistic residency designed explicitly for artists who are also mothers alongside their children. Its primary goal is to provide a platform conspicuously absent from existing offerings, fostering solidarity among artists who often end up isolated and alienated from existing artistic structures due to having a family.

Liebe Ausländerbehörde ist ein von Ximena Gutiérrez organisiertes Vermittlungsprojekt für Migrantinnen und Migranten, um Erfahrungen und Unzufriedenheit mit dem jetzt so genannten Landesamt für Einwanderung auszutauschen und die strukturelle Diskriminierung innerhalb dieser Institution zu hinterfragen.

This edition seeks to make visible those who consider themselves divergent, appealing to the diversity of ways of being, thinking, and manifesting as the motto for our ninth publication.