Flame Zine

Flame Zine arises with the idea of giving visibility to artists around the world who work on different topics that question ourselves as transfeminists. We believe it’s important to generate from self-publication a space that can serve as a channel of information, expression, and artistic exchange. We strongly encourage submissions from artists who experience multiple forms of oppression from Migrants, Black, Indigenous, and people of color communities as well as artists with disabilities, queer, trans, and non-binary/gender-nonconforming people.

Art and edition: Maria Victoria Rodriguez

Production by Karne Kunst and Sorora e.V

Flame Zine. Cuerpx Body. Innocence and abuse by Dyuti Mittal
Flame Zine. Cuerpx Body. Fat Borders by Greta Rico
Flame Zine. Cuerpx Body. Yoga by Martina Haro
Flame Zine. Cuerpx Body. Cosmic Rays by Titihoon

Flame Zine. Cuerpx Body.