Flame Zine. “Fat Borders”

About the Artist

Greta Rico is a Mexican documentary photographer focused on issues related to gender and human rights. Her work has been published in magazines, print, and digital media such as The Guardian, The HuffPost, Cuartoscuro, Luchadoras, El Universal, Milenio, and Lado B among others. She has collaborated with UN Human Rights offices and with various civil society organizations with local, regional, and global impact. Her work has been exhibited in galleries and museums in various regions of Mexico and in cities such as New York, Tehran, Isfahan, Rome, Guayaquil, Kota Kinabalu, and London. Greta is also part of SheSource, a panel of experts on feminism and women’s rights issues at the Women’s Media Center.

About Flame Zine

Flame Zine arises with the idea of giving visibility to artists around the world who work on different topics that question ourselves as transfeminists. We believe it’s important to generate from self-publication a space that can serve as a channel of information, expression, and artistic exchange. We strongly encourage submissions from artists who experience multiple forms of oppression from Migrants, Black, Indigenous, and people of color communities as well as artists with disabilities, queer, trans, and non-binary/gender-nonconforming people.

Art and edition: Maria Victoria Rodriguez

Production by Karne Kunst and Sorora e.V